Sunday 18 March 2018


Well I had a good St Patricks Day with my two daughters, nice meal and a pint followed by watching Ireland win the Grand Slam, perfect.

I had arranged a friendly ''knock up'' on the Bristol Feeder Canal for the Sunday. Originally I had 12 but over the week it had dropped to 8 for all sorts of reasons. Looking at the weather forecast it suggested the Bristol area might not be too bad so I went to bed Saturday night with the hope of still running it.
A call of nature around 2 o'clock and a look out the window confirmed what the forecast had said....some light snow flurries but on the whole not too bad.
I woke up just before the alarm at 06:15 and was surprised how much had changed over the 4 hours.
Team mate Leigh text me to ask what it was like down my neck of the woods as he lives near Chippenham. I made the decision to cancel and sent a text out it as it was still coming down.

it was a good 5'' thick in North Somerset

Although disappointed everyone said I made the right decision.

I also saw from posts on Facebook that other local matches had been cancelled, namely the Commercial House Charity Match on the K & A Canal as well as the Gloucester Canal Championship. 

Over on my local Commercial Fishery, Acorn Lakes a few hardy soles did turn up for the Over 55's match.

photo from Cadbury Angling who also opened up, fair play.

Well its a tidy up day then for me, hope to get out Tuesday as well as try and re-arrange the Feeder Knock Up for next weekend.

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