Thursday 3 September 2020

Wednesday 2nd September - Staverton Open

 I missed the last 2 Wednesday matches at Staverton due to going up to Evesham and was surprised this one was still on as they usually finish just before the end of August, the last one is next week.

Apart from the first match I have struggled at Staverton this year, as have many others. Unless you get a couple of chub or a bream then its just bits and the roach have been generally small. Some anglers have done well just fishing for anything that swims with the whip but that doesn't suit me tbh.

With nothing else on I decided to go.

The draw was at 13:00 with fishing 14:00 - 19:00.

15 fishing today  with the pegging going from 27 to 77 so well spread out.

I picked up my peg after Gerry had thrown them all on the grass and was pleased when I opened and saw 75. It's a nice clean peg and I had 13lb off it in the first match this year on the pole.

2 identical 2 gram rigs were set up, both with an N40 18 to 0.10.

1 waggler set up for across to target chublet's.

3 balls cupped in at 11 metres containing chopped worm, caster and hemp and started off on the wag but after 15 minutes got fed up catching minnows and baby bleak.

On to the pole line and a 5oz roach straight away, lovely and what I was expecting. A few more smaller samples came quickly and then it died off. Re-fed another ball and had more roach but small, too small.

By the halfway point I thought I had about 2lbs so still OK I thought, they'll come on as it gets darker.

Well, it didn't go to plan at all, really struggled and only put the odd fish in the net catching on the tare over hemp further across.

Ended up with 3lb 10oz, crap really.

Kev Bennet won with 15lb, 2 big chub estimated at 5lb each and some roach from peg 42.

8 out of the 15 weighed 3lb odd or less so not great and the river was in good nick.

I would go back for the last one next week but I can't so that's it for me at Staverton until next year.

Commercial House League starts this Sunday with the first match split between Rotork, Newbridge and Chequers.

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